Do you need items, services, or venues for your event?
Post in the WANTS section
Today's featured WANTS
Brenda is looking for a chair for her daughter's Quinceanera
Sign up to be Brenda's Rental provider!

Throne Rental is currently available to the events community. Signing up and listing on the website is completely free. Our aim to connect event professionals with clients, locally. Whether you provide services, rent item or space, Throne Rental is a new platform to expand your marketing.
Upcoming features for Throne Rental
Since we launched the Throne Rental Marketplace, we have been testing a number of features. In the upcoming months, the following features will become available to users:
Subscription feature
Delivery fee calculator
Option to pick up or request delivery
Incidentals feature to protect both Providers and client
Verification checkmark for verified users
We invite you to sign up and be the first to be on the know about these upcoming features.